Want to use this Template?

Each of these challenge templates are available in ChallengeRunner to quick-start your setup process. Simply select the Copy and edit a pre-existing challenge from our database option when creating your new challenge.


Field LabelField TypeData EntryFrequency


The Challenge:  earn as many points as possible by following the distributed exercise plan

The Dates:  Monday, August 10th - Sunday, August 30th

The Points:

  • earn 3 points each day you complete the listed exercise
  • earn 1 point each day you give your body a rest on the listed rest days
  • earn a 1 time - 5 point bonus for sending a picture of you doing one of the listed  exercises to your health coach. These points wil be added on the admin side once your coach recieves the photo

The Prizes: 

  • 1st place - $100.00 gift card
  • 2nd place - $75.00 gift card
  • 3rd place - $50.00 gift card

Good luck. You are going to feel awesome.