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Don’t let COVID kick your butt, let the Forum Change for Life Challenge do it!

GET READY!  Healthy Habits begin Jan 25-March 7 2021

The CHANGE for LIFE Challenge will promote health and fitness by encouraging team members to stay active, reinforce healthy habits, as well as create comradery among coworkers. Since Covid, it has been difficult to stay active, keep energy up and weight down, and to find motivation. We challenge you to motivate your coworkers and family to join in with you!  

How it works:  This challenge runs for 6 full weeks.  The exercises are cumulative. A different exercise challenge will be introduced each week with all exercises ending at the end of the 6 weeks. on each week by continuing the challenges until the end of the six weeks. Example: During week 5, you will complete each of the previous 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th exercises that were introduced each Monday, then add the 5th exercise. The exercise introduced on the 5th Monday will continue through the 5th and 6th week.  Continue all of the exercises through to the end of the 6th week then end them all on Sunday March 7th.

SCORING: The goal is to earn at least one “Healthy Habit” point each day by completing the daily challenge in full.  However, if that is not possible, you will enter the score that best matches what you were able to complete for that day.  The Challenge Runner mobile app is the easiest way to log your scores so download it on your phone.  If you have a smart phone, Fitbit, etc… you can set it up to log your steps for you.

ONLINE SCORE KEEPING: Beginning Jan 25 all Employees can begin keeping score online or on mobile “Challenge Runner” app. Please sign up at: "https://teammembers2021.challengerunner.com/GroupPage.aspx" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank" >https://teammembers2021.challengerunner.com/GroupPage.aspx and click on the box on the right side of the page to “ENROLL.” Please set up your account on or before, Wed. January 21th to make sure there are no registration issues.  If you have entered this challenge in previous years and cannot enroll with the same email address/password, please do a password reset. However, you will not be able to actually enter the challenge until the start date of Monday Jan 25th.

If there are any issues, please contact Lori Cutright @  "mailto:loricutright@theforumrsa.com" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank" >loricutright@theforumrsa.com and I will try to help.


  • The INDIVIDUAL that scores the most "HEALTHY HABIT" points will win a prize!
  • The DEPARTMENT with the highest number of staff to complete the challenge to the end, wins a prize!
  • Other fun prizes will be awarded as well!

Earn up to 1 point for each challenge completed each day, but receive partial points for various levels of completion.

Week 1: STOMP OUT COVID: Walk 8,000 (90 minutes or 4 miles) a day. Try a brisk pace so you are breathing heavily!  

Week 2: PLANK YOU!  Complete ONE-60 sec. (1 min) Plank. Hold as long as you can, put knees down only when you have to (attempts count)! Set a personal goal to increase your time each day so that by week 6 you can hold for 1 minute or more!

Week 3: JUMP JACKS: Chose your level: Complete 20 Regular Jumping jacks, O