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During our CCTI, fitness is an area that we should focus on jump starting and (if you're not already) get back into a physical fitness mindset and standard that we had at the start of our career - to the extent that you are physically capable.  It is understood that each person is unique and has their own physical abilities.

In keeping with tradition, fitness is an integral part of military standards and should be part of your daily lifestyle.  Fitness is all encompassing of a healthy lifestyle - mentally, spiritually, and physical.  This challenge is designed to focus on the latter (physical) that you will use to hold yourself accountable.  It is up to you to develop a workout plan tailored to your level.  Workouts and ideas will be provided to you each week, but it will be up to you to become self motivated and choose what workout fits you best.  This application will provide you a way to track and document your fitness as well as challenge you against yourself and shipmates.

For reference, per the CG-6049, the Commandant requires 180 minutes a week of moderate to vigorous physical activity.  It is recommended to perform a minimum of 150 minutes of aerobic (cardio) activity at a moderate intensity (brisk walking, bicycling slower than 10mph, water aerobics, etc.) and at least 2 days of Anaerobic (Muscle-Strengthening) Activity at a moderate intensity (lifting weights, working with resistance bands, body weight resistance exercise, etc.) to get you to the 180 minute requirement.