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This month for March we are going to concentrate our challenge efforts into being mindful, as individuals or in a team.


You can compete as an individual or as a team. You award yourself points for spending time being mindful. If you are part of a team then your teams points are averaged to give you a team score.


The things you can do for points will enciurage you to focus your mind on the world around you, the world you live in. They encourge you to look and see, hear and listen, taste (and maybe cook!?) and smell, feel (and maybe create?!) as well make, admire, appreciate or reflect or sometimes just lose yourself in activity.


So what are you waiting for! sign up and start being mindful today!

You can log points for:

Immersive detachment (it's a thing!): Reading a book / listening to music (whilst not doing ANYTHING else!) / meditation 

Creative arts: sewing/knitting/crotchet/quilting/painting/pottery/scrapbooking etc!! (1 point for 30 minutes, max once a day)

Playing a muscial instrument (1 point for 30 minutes, max once a day)

Doing 30 minutes exercise (1 point, max once per day and includes walking, running, cycling, HIIT, dancing, boxing, golf, raquet sports, swimming etc etc etc)

Gardening (1 point for 30 minutes, max once a day)

Chatting on the phone to a friend for 30 minutes (1 point for 30 minutes, max once a day)

Yoga/Pilates/ etc for 30 minutes (1 point for 30 minutes, max once a day)

Each category can only be scored once per day per person, but you can tick off multiple categories per day.

You cannot score points for doing two activities simultaneously. This means you can't get 10 points for listening to music whilst running. You can choose to log it as either but not both. Likewise knitting whulst to chatting to a friend on the phone doesn't get 10 points.

The whole point of being minful is to concentrate fully on the activity and be absorbed by it.