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Cardio Crosswind is the running based stream of the Winds of Change 2018 challenge. The challenge will run Monday October 29 through Sunday December 9, for a total of 6 weeks.


Running is a great way to improve your physical fitness and mental health. In this stream of the Winds of Change challenge you will earn points by working through a 5km training program whether you are at a beginner or intermediate level.


You will receive a 6-week 5km training plan for a beginner or intermediate level. Recommendations for races to sign up for will be provided, signing up for one of the races can help you stay on track to your goal. You will earn a point for each of the runs in your trianing plan that you do.


You can also earn points by doing cross-training or other workouts outside of your runs. These can be classes or individual workouts done at the CPC wellenss centre or elsewhere, you will earn 1 point for each workout with a maximum of 1 per day. Your steps will automatically sync and you will receive one point for every 2000 steps you take, these include the steps during your runs so be sure to wear your wearable tracking device and/or have your phone on you during your run.


Prizes will be awarded at the end of the challenge, one for the person with the most points who has completed the training program, and draw prizes from the entire pool of participants. Details TBA