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Field LabelField TypeData EntryFrequency


February Team Challenge - Distance: Production vs Sales

Production Team: Zuke (captain), Brian, Bob C., Ray, Greg, Bob M.

Sales Team: Madison (captain), Jeff S., Jeff O.,Chad, Kyle

Milestone:  First team to log 600 miles in February receives kudos and a small reward.

Team to log the most distance miles in February will recieve lunch at Bird Dog BBQ!

Miles that count are the same as the January distance challenge: 2000 steps = 1 mile, 3 biking miles = 1 mile.

Fitbit, AppleWatch, and Garmin activity trackers can by connected to the challenge and data uploaded. To connect your device go to your Profile, select 'Tracker' for instructions on conneting your device. This is optional, manually entering miles is acceptable. If you are not able to enter your miles, contact your team captain or Karri (719-649-8202). 

 Challenge ends at midnight on February 28.