Want to use this Template?

Each of these challenge templates are available in ChallengeRunner to quick-start your setup process. Simply select the Copy and edit a pre-existing challenge from our database option when creating your new challenge.


Field LabelField TypeData EntryFrequency


This program is designed to empower each other to promote a healthy and active lifestyle in a low-stress, engaging, and enjoyable way! Our goal is to encourage healthier lifestyle choices and behaviors to create a more engaged and productive workforce that performs at a higher level - a win win!  By setting it up in a team environment, this program will be successful by creating a supportive, positive climate of fun and camaraderie helps people to adopt or maintain a healthy way of living. 

Through this journey we hope to accomplish the following:

  • A strengthened bond with teammates
  • Opportunity to build deeper relationships with leadership and across the account
  • Empowerment to make healthy life choices
  • A sense of accomplishment and renewed energy