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Welcome to our challenge site!

The HCACDST Wellness Challenge is a 3-tiered challenge and “friendly” competition designed to encourage and support HCAC members with achieving personal wellness goals. The challenge will begin Monday, November 4th and end on Sunday, January 20th.

Tier 1: Nov 4th – Dec 1st

Tier 1 will focus on MOVING WELL and encourage participants to become more physically active by performing daily fitness activities.

Tier 2: Dec 2nd – Dec 29th

The 2nd tier will focus on EATING WELL and will encourage participants to incorporate making better daily nutritional choices into their wellness routine while continuing to MOVE WELL.

Tier 3: Dec 30th – Jan 20th

The 3rd and final tier will introduce the concept of total self-care, mind, body & soul, by incorporating activities that support us in BEING WELL and allow us to reach our highest levels of mental fitness.

To receive points, participants must log into our Challenge Runner site to record completed qualifying activities.

Challenge Guidelines

  • The HCACDST challenge is open to all HCAC Members
  • You must be a registered participant to qualify for challenge prizes and recognition
  • You may participate in 1, 2 or all 3 tiers of the challenge
  • You must participate in all 3 challenge tiers to qualify for grand prizes
  • Points may be earned in the categories of physical activity, nutrition & mental health
  • You will be allowed to save logged activities up to 7 days after completion, with the exception of daily bonus point activities (i.e. daily bonus points question related to steps walked above 10,000 per day.)
  • You are strongly encouraged to log your total daily steps and activities to maximize your points; you’ll never know when bonus points might become available!
  • You may link your fitness trackers (Fitbits, Apple Health, etc.) to the challenge site to download steps and/or active minutes; if you choose this option versus manual entry, please note there may be a discrepancy between the data downloaded from your device’s server versus the data displayed on your device
  • This is a competition so “sisterly” trash talking is allowed and encouraged