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Your body is made up of 70% water and depends on it to survive. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to work properly. Drinking a proper amount of water increases brain power, provides energy, promotes healthy weight management, improves your complexion, boosts the immune system, prevents headaches & more! It is essential to stay hydrated, especially during the hot, summer months. Join the Hydration Challenge to help yourself stay healthy & hydrated

  • Use your previous bottle OR contact "mailto:BGiddes@mountpisgah.org" target="_blank" >BGiddes@mountpisgah.org  if you need one
  • "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QywOFp2wMI4" target="_blank" >Click here to watch how it works!
  • Your goal is to drink at least 3 dots (60 oz). each day (1 dot = 20oz)
  • Each day, visit this page and track that you achieved the goal!
  • Participants that track all 14 days in the challenge will be placed into a raffle!